AEJMC 2019: Three graduate student papers earned top paper awards
Crossposted from: Hubbard School of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Minnesota
Originally published: August 6, 2019
And 57 Minnesota journalism scholars to serve as moderators, discussants, panelists, paper presenters and workshop leaders.
The University of Minnesota Hubbard School of Journalism and Mass Communication is pleased to have more than 39 peer-reviewed research papers presented by faculty, students and alumni at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) conference taking place Aug. 7-10, 2019, in Toronto, Canada.
The three top papers from Hubbard School grad students include:
- “Life is Harder:” The Perceived Impact of a Newspaper Closure on a Community” (Top Student Paper) Authors: Nick Mathews (PhD) (University of Minnesota)
- “Algorithms, Machine Learning, and Speech: The Future of the First Amendment in a Digital World” (First Place Student Paper) Authors: Sarah Wiley (PhD) (University of Minnesota)
- “The Emergence of Social Justice Journalism” (Second Place Student Paper) Authors: Allison Steinke (PhD) (University of Minnesota)
In addition to those presented papers, the Hubbard School has nearly 60 scholars serving as moderators, discussants, panelists, paper presenters and workshop leaders during the four-day conference. University of Minnesota Hubbard School of Journalism and Mass Communication faculty, students and alumni are identified in bold face.
Graduate student, faculty, and alumni papers to be presented at the AEJMC Conference:
Advertising Division
- “Comparing the Effectiveness of Help-Seeking and Product-Claim Direct-to-Consumer Advertising (DTCA): A Persuasion Knowledge Perspective” Authors: Ida Darmawan (MA) Hao Xu (PhD), and Jisu Huh (University of Minnesota)
- “Exploring the Effects of Compliance/Noncompliance Framing, Desirability of End States, and Brand Zealotry on Consumers’ Responses to Wearables Advertising” Authors: Ruoxu Wang (Memphis), Yan Huang (Houston) and George Angelchev, (Northwestern University in Qatar)
- “How Hateful Social Media Content Spills Over to the Adjacent Brand Ad: Implications for Brand Safety” (First Place Open Research Paper Award) Authors: Junga Kim, Chunsik Lee (University of North Florida), and Joon Soo Lim (Syracuse University)
- “The Ideal Advertising Professor” (Teaching Top Paper Award) Authors: George Angelchev, Shageea Naqvi, (Northwestern University in Qatar), Sela Sar, Jasmine Moultrie (Illinois at Urbana Champaign)
- “Vioxx Provides Powerful 24-hour Relief of Arthritis” but “Vioxx Has Caused Number of Deaths from Strokes and Heart Attacks!” – Should I Continue to Take My Medicine?” Authors: Heewon Im and Jisu Huh (University of Minnesota)
Chinese Communication Association
- “Multitasking Retribalized as a Multisensory Behavior in Mobile Media Age: An Application of McLuhan’s Media Ecology Theory” Authors: Tao Sun (University of Vermont), Bu Zhong (Pennsylvania State), Yakun Huang (Jinan University), and Yu Zhou (South China University of Technology)
Community Journalism Interest Group
- “Life is Harder:” The Perceived Impact of a Newspaper Closure on a Community” (Top Student Paper) Authors: Nick Mathews (PhD) (University of Minnesota)
Communication Methodology and Theory Division
- “Mapping the Corporate Social Responsibility Research in Communication: A Network and Bibliometric Analysis” Authors: Grace Ji (Virginia Commonwealth), Weiting Tao (Miami) and Hyejoon Rim (University of Minnesota)
- “Highlights of Two U.S. Presidential Debates: Identifying Candidate Insults that Go Viral” Authors: Josephine Lukito, Prathusha Sarma, Jordan Foley, Jon Pevehouse, Aman Abhishek, Dhavan Shah (University of Wisconsin Madison), Erik Bucy (Texas Tech) Chris Wells (Boston University), Ayellet Pelled (University of Wisconsin- Madison)
- “Theorizing News Literacy: A Proposed Framework for Unifying a Fractured Field” Authors: Emily Vraga (University of Minnesota), Melissa Tully (Iowa), Adam Maksl (Indiana Southeast), Stephanie Craft (Illinois at Urbana Champaign), Seth Ashley (Boise State)
- “That’s Not News: Audience Perceptions of “News-ness” and Why it Matters” Authors: Stephanie Edgerly (Northwestern University) and Emily Vraga (University of Minnesota)
- “Understanding Privacy Concern in Using Social Media: The Extension of Marshall McLuhan” Authors: Bu Zhong (Pennsylvania State), Tao Sun (University of Vermont), Yakun Huang (Jinan University), and Yu Zhou (South China University of Technology)
Communicating Science, Health, Environment and Risk Division
- “Public’s Responses to High Rate of Suicides among Native American Youths: The Roles of Attributions and Exemplification” Authors: Soojung Kim and Jenna Peneuta-Snyder (University of North Dakota)
- “Role of Self-Affirmation Order and Narrative Perspective in a Narrative-Based Self-Affirmation Message” Authors: Zexin Ma (Oakland University) and Xuan Zhu (University of Minnesota)
- “The 21st Birthday, 2.0: Exploring the Role of Social Media, Relationships, and Online Image Maintenance within a College Binge Drinking Ritual” Authors: Nathan Gilkerson, Joyce Wolburg, and Katelyn Mills-Erickson (Marquette University)
- “The Leverage Power of Risk Framing in Physician and Patient Communication: A Study of Shared Decision-Making Perception” Authors: Ellie Yang, Dhavan Sha, Elizabeth Burnside and Terry Little (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Cultural and Critical Studies Division
- “Whose Vision Is It? Lessons of European Integration from Advocacy for the Roma in Romania” (Top Faculty Paper) Authors: Adina Schneeweis (Oakland University)
Electronic News Division
- “Toward a New Conceptualization and Typology of Journalistic Competency: A Job Announcement Analysis of U.S. Broadcasting” Authors: Lei Guo and Yong Volz (University of Missouri)
Entertainment Studies Interest Group
- “DudeBros Could Love Lady Shows: Gender Expectations, Enjoyment, and Willingness to Recommend Television Among Males.” Authors: Renee Mitson (MA), Eugene Lee (MA), Jonathan Anderson (PhD), and Maral Abdollahi (PhD) (University of Minnesota)
Graduate Student Interest Group
- “The Role of Immersion and Involvement in Persuasive Games” Authors: Eu Gene Lee (MA) and Maral Abdollahi (PhD) (University of Minnesota)
- “Who is Writing About What? A Content Analysis of Science News in The New York Times and the Washington Post” Authors: Joshua Jordan (MA) (University of Minnesota)
International Communication Division
- “Effects of Cultural, Social, and Technological Influences on Snapchat Usage: A Cross-Cultural Study Comparing United States, Germany, and South Korea” Authors: Haseon Park, Joonghwa Lee, and Soojung Kim (University of North Dakota)
- “Everybody Loves a Winner: Legitimation of Occupational Roles Among Award-winning Financial Journalists in Africa” Authors: Danford Zirugo (PhD) (University of Minnesota) and Jane Singer (University of London)
- “Mainstream Media, Social Media, and Attitudes toward Immigrants: A Comparative Study of Japan & South Korea” Authors: Heysung Lee, Gaofei Li, Yibing Sun and Hernando Rojas (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- “Regulating Mood and Arousal: The Benefits of Interactivity as Information Control” Authors: Taylor Jing Wen, Linwan Wu (South Carolina) and Sela Sar (Illinois at Urbana Champaign)
Law and Policy Division
- “Algorithms, Machine Learning, and Speech: The Future of the First Amendment in a Digital World (First Place Student Paper)” Authors: Sarah Wiley (PhD) (University of Minnesota)
- “Forum Delegation: The Birth and Transposition of a New Approach to Public Forum Doctrine” Authors: Brett Johnson and Shane Epping (University of Missouri)
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Queer Interest Group
- Learning to be Inclusive? Testing the Effects of Media Diet on Attitudes toward LGT Equality” (Top Faculty Paper) Authors: Tien-Tsung Lee (University of Kansas) and Gary Hicks (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville)
Mass Communication and Society Division
- “How is CSR Covered in New Media? A Cross National Study of Comparative Agenda-Setting of CSR News Coverage Using Topic Modeling” Authors: Chuqing Dong (PhD) (University of Minnesota) and Yafei Zhang, West Texas A&M
- “The Effects of Framing and Advocacy Expectancy on Belief Importance and Issue Attitude” Authors: Jiawei Liu, Min-Hsin Su, Douglas McLeod (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Joseph Abisaid (Detroit Mercy)
Minorities and Communication Division
- “Learning to Be More or Less Prejudiced? How News Media Moderate the Effects of Ideologies and Partisanship on Attitudes Toward Migrants” Authors: Tien Tsung Lee (University of Kansas) and Yuki Fujioka (Georgia State University)
Newspaper and Online News Division
- “The Emergence of Social Justice Journalism” (Second Place Student Paper) Authors: Allison Steinke (PhD) (University of Minnesota)
Political Communication Interest Group
- “Fuel to the Fire: The Influence of Social Media Rumors on Political Participation and Knowledge” Authors: Nojin Kwak, Daniel Lane, Qinfeng Zhu, Slgi Lee and Brian Weeks (University of Michigan)
- “Laugh Till I Seek: A Re-assessment of the Gateway Hypothesis” Authors: Michaele Myers (PhD) (University of Minnesota) and Jay Hmielowski (Florida)
- “Faked Out: Facebook, Fox News, and Exposure to and Perceived Accuracy of Fake News” Authors: Patrick Meirick and Amanda Franklyn (University of Oklahoma)
- “Third-Person Effect and Hate Speech Censorship on Facebook” Authors: Lei Guo and Brett Johnson (University of Missouri)
Public Relations Division
- “Improve Employee-organization Relationships (EOR) and Workplace Performance Through CSR: Insights from an Electric and Energy Company in China” Authors: Yafei Zhang (West Texas A&M) and Chuqing Dong (PhD) (University of Minnesota)
- “Curriculum Rebuilding in Public Relations: A Multi Managerial-Level Analysis of PR Practitioners’ Expectations of Graduates” (Third Place Teaching Competition Paper) Authors: Arunima Krishna, Donald Wright, and Raymond Kotcher (Boston University)
Korean American Communication Association
- “Gratification Sought and Gratification Obtained by Watching Short Video Clips and the Discrepancy between the Two: Focusing on the Role of Device and Platform” Authors: Eu Gene Lee (MA) (University of Minnesota)
Moderators, Discussants, Panelists, Presenters and Workshop Leaders
Current HSJMC faculty and graduate alumni from the University of Minnesota who will serve as moderators, discussants, panelists and presenting papers at AEJMC are (alumni are marked with their University of Minnesota graduation year and where they are currently employed):
Angelchev, George (PhD ‘08, Northwestern University in Qatar)
Bedingfield, Sid (HSJMC Faculty)
Belair-Gagnon, Valerie (HSJMC Faculty)
Belmas, Genelle (PhD 02’, University of Kansas)
Breslin, Jack (PhD 03’, Iona College, New York)
Brill, Ann (PhD 94’, University of Kansas)
Cohen, Elisia (HSJMC Director and Faculty)
DeFoster, Ruth (PhD 15’ and HSJMC Faculty)
File, Patrick (PhD ‘13, University of Nevada)
Foss, Katherine (PhD, 08’, AEJMC Vice Chair of the Council of Divisions, Middle Tennessee State)
Gilkerson, Nathan (PhD ‘12, Marquette University)
Gloviczki, Peter (PhD ‘12, Coker University)
Gustafson, Kristin (MA’05, University of Washington Bothell)
Himelboim, Itai (PhD ‘08, University of Georgia)
Huh, Jisu (HSJMC Director of Graduate Studies and Faculty)
Im, Heewon (PhD ‘15, Nielsen Company, Korea)
Johnson, Brett (PhD ‘15, University of Missouri)
Kim, Junga (MA ‘10, University of North Florida)
Kim, Soojung (PhD ‘15, University of North Dakota)
Kirtley, Jane (HSJMC Faculty)
Lee, Chunsik (MA ‘07, University of North Florida)
Lee, Tien-Tsung (MA ‘95, University of Kansas)
Lester, Paul (MA ‘83, University of Texas Dallas)
McLeod, Douglas (PhD ‘89, University of Wisconsin Madison)
Meirick, Patrick (PhD ‘02, University of Oklahoma)
Patrow, Kristen (MA ‘14, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill)
Pavlik, John (PhD ‘83, Rutgers University)
Perlmutter, David (PhD, ‘96, Texas Tech University, AEJMC President-Elect)
Reed, Sada (MA ‘11, Arizona State University)
Reynolds, Chelsea (PhD, ‘17, California State, Fullerton)
Rim, Hyejoon (HSJMC Faculty)
Rojas, Hernando (MA ‘94, University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Salamon, Errol (HSJMC Post-Doctoral Fellow)
Sar, Sela (PhD ‘06, University of Illinois – Urbana Champaign)
Schneeweis, Adina (PhD ‘09, Oakland University)
Sha, Dhavan (PhD ‘99, University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Sun, Tao (PhD ‘02, University of Vermont)
Volz, Yong (PhD ‘06, University of Missouri)
Vraga, Emily (HSJMC Faculty)
Weber, Matt (HSJMC Faculty)
Weeks, Brian (MA ‘10, University of Michigan)
Wirtz, John (PhD 09’, University of Illinois – Urbana Champaign)
Wright, Donald (PhD ‘74, Boston University)
Zhu, Xuan (PhD ’17, Mayo Clinic)
Hubbard School of Journalism and Mass Communication Graduate Student Paper Presenters:
Anderson, Jonathan (PhD)
Abdollahi, Maral (PhD)
Darmawan, Ida (MA)
Dong, Chuqing (PhD)
Jordan, Joshua (MA)
Lee, Eugene (MA)
Mathews, Nick (PhD)
Mitson, Renee (MA)
Myers, Michaele (PhD)
Steinke, Allison (PhD)
Wiley, Sarah (PhD)
Xu, Hao (PhD)
Zirugo, Danford (PhD)
Founded in 1912 in Chicago, AEJMC is an international nonprofit organization composed of more than 3,700 faculty, students and administrators at journalism and mass communication schools from more than 50 different countries. AEJMC is dedicated to providing the means necessary to journalism and mass communication educators and students to foster generations of practitioners and educators dedicated to better professional practices and a more informed public.